Effective ways to boost the body’s immune system – according to doctors and nutritionists

Various studies have been conducted around the world on how people can stay healthy and how they can boost their body’s immunity. Doctors and nutritionists say that if the body’s immune system is not strong, people become weak very easily even with minor illnesses and are more susceptible to disease attacks. This type of food […]
Books in the light of life experience

Abir Publications has recently published three books written by Professor Dr. Abdul Awal Khan, ‘Looking Back at Myself’, ‘Women’, ‘In Search of Happiness in the Falling Age’. Professor Dr. Abdul Awal Khan, Vice-Chancellor of International Standard University (ISU), has highlighted his real life experiences through these books. He has tried to tell the reality of […]
Gardening ideas and tips for beginners

Whether you are looking to grow herbs, shrubs or flowers, gardening is a rewarding experience. A garden can be set up in an outdoor space, on a balcony, porch, backyard, or even on a windowsill. Gardening Ideas and Tips for Beginners It is nice to see a plant grow and bloom after a long period […]
Tips for taking care of your home during the rainy season

There is no guarantee of rain these days. It rains every day, but you can’t say when and where it will start. It seems that you may have gone out in the morning wearing sunglasses, it was so sunny outside. But after a while, the rain poured down. So you have to prepare for the […]
The achievements of the Liberation War cannot be questioned.

36 titled freedom fighters have condemned and protested the attempt to repeal the 1972 constitution. They said that the state is in the process of amending or updating the constitution to meet the aspirations of the people as per the need of the hour. But the issues achieved and resolved through the Liberation War cannot […]
No unnecessary worry about disease

Suman (pseudonym) is always ‘extra’ worried about physical illnesses. He is afraid in his heart that some major disease will suddenly take hold of his body and push him towards death. So, whenever he finds a break, one of his tasks is to watch various health channels on YouTube and Google about diseases. Recently, since […]