No unnecessary worry about disease

Suman (pseudonym) is always ‘extra’ worried about physical illnesses. He is afraid in his heart that some major disease will suddenly take hold of his body and push him towards death. So, whenever he finds a break, one of his tasks is to watch various health channels on YouTube and Google about diseases. Recently, since his neighbor was admitted to the hospital after contracting COVID-19, he has been suffering from a sore throat, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Hearing various fears from various people increases his anxiety and gradually adds difficulty swallowing, headaches, chest palpitations, and weight loss.

Despite various tests at home and abroad, doctors say everything is normal, but the symptoms remain the same. The problems have recently increased when his friends are shocked to hear his symptoms and some fear that he may have ‘cancer’. But is Suman’s sore throat, swallowing problems, and weight loss really nothing, or are they symptoms of some disease?

In fact, Suman is physically healthy but mentally suffers from ‘excessive anxiety about the body’. And because of this anxiety, the above-mentioned physical symptoms are seen. However, many people have the problem of worrying about their body like Suman. Even if there is a minor symptom in the body, they misinterpret it as a major physical disease. For example, if you feel a little pressure in the chest for some reason, it seems that you have a heart disease, if you have a headache, it seems that you have a tumor, etc. As a result, the person becomes afraid or anxious.

When a person is anxious, some biochemical substances are released in the brain, which disrupt the normal biological processes of the internal organs of the human body. For example, when you are afraid, your heart rate increases, you may sweat or feel pressure in the chest, or any physical symptoms. These symptoms deepen the misconception of the person about the disease. As a result, anxiety increases and the symptoms of the disease also increase due to the associated reasons.

Again, in many cases, even if the person has a physical disease, the excessive anxiety and apprehension of those close to them about the disease also creates additional symptoms. This can have a negative effect on the person’s disease.

What can the person or people around them do to reduce this unnecessary anxiety about the disease?

How will the people around them react?

Do not panic in front of the patient after hearing his symptoms.
Do not give any negative or fabricated information about the disease. For example, so-and-so had this or that, had such and such tests, etc.
Even if you are worried about the symptoms of the disease, do not reveal it and remain as normal as possible.
Listen carefully to his state of mind about the symptoms and speak positively, reassure him.

What the patient should do to reduce anxiety

When excessive anxiety is identified as the cause of the symptoms of the disease, many times doctors also tell the patient, ‘This is happening because of too much thinking, do not tense up, stay relaxed.’ But anxiety is one of those things that comes to mind spontaneously. Because, anxiety is a kind of biological reaction. However, some behaviors and habits can increase this anxiety. Therefore, by avoiding these, anxiety about the disease can be avoided to some extent.

If your physical exam report is normal and the doctor says you are ‘physically’ healthy, but you still have symptoms, remember that excessive anxiety is one of the reasons. Remember, even if these symptoms bother you temporarily, there is nothing to be afraid of. In this case, refrain from giving unnecessary importance to the symptoms of the body (thinking of them as a serious disease, paying attention, observing them excessively). Importance can increase your anxiety and, as a result, symptoms.
Reduce searching for additional information about the disease on the Internet, watching YouTube, or discussing it with others other than the doctor. Various information about the disease will increase your anxiety, which can play a role in increasing your symptoms.
If you are unnecessarily worried about the disease, instead of indulging in it, deep breathing exercises several times help reduce your anxiety. The symptoms will also decrease. Remember, if you suffer from the disease of worrying about your body, the control of the disease is largely in your hands. Walk, exercise, keep yourself busy with various activities, stay well.